Tools for Wellbeing While Traveling

I have always loved to travel, but definitely feel the shift in my rhythm from changes in food, sleep, and environment. A few years ago, I started incorporating wellbeing tools into my travel and it has changed how my body, mind, and spirit feel while away from home.

This weekend I traveled to present wellbeing workshops at a conference in Minneapolis. I knew I’d have to be “on” — presenting, talking to dozens of new people, and generally being in highly stimulating tech-filled environments. From bright lights, loud sounds, and fake scents, I had a feeling my nervous system would. need extra support. I brought some of my favorite tools during these few days and wanted to share with you!

Tools for Physical + Emotional Nourishment During Travel


Foods have the power to enhance or deplete energy which is a precious resource when traveling. Nourishing your body with good food that you know sits well in your system is key. Of course have fun and explore local cuisine, but support yourself with snacks that feel comfortable in your digestive tract as well. I always bring a few things from home like dried mangos and easy on-the-go protein. Also, I either check out a local, natural market or order using Instacart to stock up on essentials that replenish my life force energy. I recommend fresh fruit, easy protein like cottage cheese or turkey slices, healthy grain crackers, and veggies like baby carrots.


I don’t go anywhere without my herbal allies! Plants can help keep us regulated in new environments and support our liver fighting against toxins in airports, hotel rooms and more. For travel anxiety I recommend Lemon Balm, Passionflower, and Kava. If you are exploring new foods, keep some Lemon Balm, Chamomile, and Ginger with you. And for liver support, you can incorporate Burdock and Dandelion Root. The plant friends support our body, mind, and spirit through the inevitable turbulence of travel.


Writing down your thoughts and feelings is a healthy way to clear a busy mind and relieve cyclical thinking. My journal always travels with me - if I have racing thoughts from being over stimulated (like during a conference, flight, or busy travel day) I write down my thoughts to get them out of my internal world. Here are a few journal prompts that can help relieve stress after a hectic travel day:

  • What triggered a stress response for me today? How and where did I feel this stress response in my body?

  • In what moments today did I feel peaceful and balanced?

  • Right now, I feel challenged by ______. However, I feel supported by ______.

  • What am I looking forward to on this trip, despite any travel challenges that came up?


We all know how travel can impact sleep. From time zone changes to uncomfortable or new sleeping situations, there are many things we can’t change while we travel. But thankfully there are incredible tools we can incorporate to support our sleep while we’re away from our cozy bed. One of my favorites is magnesium. I bring a small glass 3ml bottle with me everywhere I go. I recommend a few sprays on the bottom of your feet before bed. Magnesium increases naturally circulating Melatonin, promotes deeper and more restful sleep, and reduces nighttime waking.


Sunshine is free medicine. Getting direct sun on our skin is so important while we travel - it keeps our circadian rhythm normalized, supports hormone health and so much more. This is especially true if you are changing time zones! I strive to get morning, afternoon, and sunset light which help with Vitamin D production. In turn this keeps my metabolic health normalized and helps maintain a healthy sleep cycle even in different countries. Check out @rewildcarlyrose and @sarahkleinerwellness for more on how light impacts health, especially for women.

I hope you enjoyed reading, and walked away with helpful tips for staying nourished, grounded, and balanced while traveling.

Stay tuned for a blog post on how to keep your energy protected while away from home!

Many blessings,


Let’s Connect!

If you enjoyed these tips to stay well while traveling, but want more personalized wellbeing advice, let’s chat! I offer 1:1 Healing Sessions, Mentorship Programs, and more.

I also have weekly virtual Conscious Yoga Classes every Thursday night at 5:30pm ET. Come join us to restore spirit, mind, and body. You can learn more about Conscious Yoga here!


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