Your Sacred Rhythm: Simple Ways to Track Your Menstrual Cycle for Optimal Fertility

Fertility + Our Cycle

Through my own fertility journey, I’ve realized that in our results-oriented society we often miss the most important step in conscious conception. The path to Mother begins with truly understanding and loving ourselves, including our cyclicality. “Optimal” fertility is more than the results of a blood test, or how many eggs you have left. It is our birthright to know and live in tune with our cycles so that we may better know ourselves. This is the legacy I want to pass to my children.

Our menstrual (or as I often call it, Moon) cycles hold the key to our fertility, connecting us to the profound cycles of creation within. By tuning into the subtle shifts and rhythms of our bodies, we can empower ourselves on the journey towards fertility. Which, by the way, is important whether or not you want to have a baby as fertility is an indicator of health across the board. In this blog post, we will explore simple yet powerful ways to track our menstrual cycles, cultivating awareness and deepening our connection to our own inner fertility.

Cultivating Cycle Awareness

Being aware of your cyclicality, and how your body, mind, and spirit shift throughout your inner seasons, is one of the first steps to understanding your fertility. Allow yourself to tune into the natural ebb and flow of your cycle. Pay attention to the length of your menstrual cycle, the arrival of your blood, and the shifts in your energy levels throughout the month. Embrace this sacred connection as you attune to the wisdom held within your body.

Keeping a Cycle Journal

One of my favorite ways to foster awareness is by keeping a cycle journal. A cycle diary serves as a valuable tool for tracking your cycle and gaining insights into your unique rhythms. Set aside a dedicated journal or notebook to record the dates of your period, any physical or emotional sensations experienced, and any notable observations. Below you’ll find more information to include in your cycle journal, including basal body temperature, cervical fluid patterns, and more. Over time, patterns may emerge, helping you understand your body's natural rhythm and fertility patterns.

Tracking Basal Body Temperature

One of the most powerful tools for tracking your menstrual cycle and pinpointing your fertile window is basal body temperature (BBT) charting. This method involves measuring your body temperature each morning before getting out of bed using a specialized basal body thermometer. By recording these temperatures and creating a BBT chart, you can gain valuable insights into your ovulation patterns and fertility.

During the first part of your moon cycle, known as the follicular phase, your BBT tends to be relatively low. As you approach ovulation, a subtle shift occurs. The surge in luteinizing hormone (LH) triggers the release of the mature egg, and this hormonal change causes a slight increase in your basal body temperature. This temperature shift signifies that ovulation has occurred.

To start BBT charting, follow these simple steps:

  1. Choose a reliable basal body thermometer: Select a digital thermometer specifically designed for BBT charting. These thermometers have a higher level of accuracy and precision. You can find a simple BBT thermometer for as little as $10, but there are more expensive ones that connect to your phone. I don’t feel this is necessary, but if you have busier mornings or small children, I certainly see the use!

  2. Measure your temperature consistently: Take your temperature every morning before getting out of bed, at the same time each day, and using the same thermometer (these are all key!) Ensure you have had at least three consecutive hours of uninterrupted sleep for accurate results.

  3. Record your temperature: Record your daily temperature on a BBT chart, in your journal, or on the mobile app designed for BBT tracking. The chart should have a vertical axis for temperature and a horizontal axis for the days of your cycle.

  4. Observe the temperature patterns: As you continue charting your temperatures, you will notice a pattern emerging. Prior to ovulation, your temperatures will generally be lower. After ovulation, you will observe a rise in temperature that remains elevated for the rest of your cycle.

  5. Identify your fertile window: By observing your temperature pattern, you can identify your fertile window—the days leading up to and including the day of ovulation. This is when your chances of conceiving are highest. Typically, your fertile window begins a few days before the temperature rise and continues until the temperature has remained elevated for three consecutive days.

BBT charting requires consistency and patience. It is most effective when done over several moon cycles to identify your unique patterns and fertile window. It's important to note that BBT charting alone does not predict future ovulation but rather confirms ovulation has already occurred. Combining BBT charting with other methods such as cervical mucus observation can provide a more comprehensive understanding of your fertility. More on this below!

Observing Cervical Mucus

Most women are not taught about cycle tracking let alone cervical mucus. For many it can be uncomfortable to think about cervical fluid if you have never cultivated this kind of relationship with your body. I do believe it is worth tracking, as the consistency and quality of cervical mucus can provide valuable insights into your fertility. Throughout your cycle, observe the changes in your cervical mucus. Note its texture, consistency, and color.

During your most fertile phase, the mucus tends to become clear, stretchy, and slippery, resembling the consistency of egg whites. This indicates that you are in your peak fertile window, signaling the ideal time for conception. Depending on your age, cervical mucus can tell you a lot about the health of your cycle. For example, excessive dryness may indicate you are not ovulating (which can also be confirmed based on your basal body temperature).

The combination of these different tracking techniques allows you to understand the health of your cycle. You can learn about when and how you ovulate, the consistency and timing of your bleed, symptoms depending on cycle phase, and so much more. This article just scratches the surface of the information every woman should have access to. Information that is our birthright to know and use as part of our sovereign wellbeing toolbox.

By embracing these simple ways to track your cycle, you embark on a transformative spiral into yourself, ultimately bringing you closer to your fertility. The awareness and connection you cultivate will empower you to make informed decisions and align your intentions with the natural rhythms of your body. Every woman's journey is unique, and by embracing your sacred rhythm, you honor the innate wisdom and power of your body. And remember, you are innately fertile ⚘

Do you feel called to learn more about your cycle, fertility, or reproductive health?

I am so grateful to now be offering Well Woman Sessions, which empower women as their own sovereign healers.

Well Woman Sessions serve as a space to receive guidance and support on your reproductive health or fertility journey. You will get education on your particular women’s care focus as well as practices and herbal allies that will support you, wherever you are. The mission of these sessions is to embolden women in their reproductive healing. Session focus areas include connecting to your cycle, energetics of fertility, and more.

Book a session here.


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