Sacral Chakra: Introduction + Practices to Connect


This post felt especially relevant to me as I navigate ways to balance the feminine and masculine energies within my own energy field. Connecting to the divine feminine has been challenging for me in the past because as a corporate lawyer, I was often overpowered by masculine energy of structure, competition, and taking charge. Only recently have I tuned in deeper and empowered the flow of my feminine, something I haven't fully connected with since childhood.

Located just below the navel, the Sacral chakra is the seat of the divine feminine in our body. It is associated with the emotional body, sensuality, and creativity. It is regarded as the body's birthplace of creativity. What we call "creative blocks" often live within this space.

Because the Sacral chakra is deeply connected to the divine feminine, it encompasses the energies of water, the moon, smoothness of edges, fertility, and sacred sensuality. It is the space where we enjoy life through sense and feeling. It also opens a channel to connect to our own waters and moon cycle, as well as the waters and cycles of mama earth.


When in balance, your creativity flows freely. You are able to create authentically, whether that is through art, movement, music, or any other creative pursuit that calls to you.

A balanced Sacral chakra means you are connected to your sexuality + sensuality and able to express desires to your loved one(s). You are comfortable with intimacy, however you define it.

An open Sacral space also manifested as emotional flexibility and ability to flow with life's changes. It is the opposite of rigidity. While you might experience emotional ups and downs, you are able to ride the waves of these emotions.


When this chakra is experiencing blockage, you feel stumped creatively. You may struggle to manage explosive emotions or be fully disconnected from feeling entirely.

You may also be out of touch with pleasure and your sensuality. Experiencing sexual frustrations or concerns is often connected to the Sacral space. This may manifest as reproductive problems, menstrual and pelvic pain, cycle imbalance, or stiff hips.

Moon with leafy vine

If you’re experiencing any of the above, take a deep breath! There are many ways to work with the Sacral chakra. Pain, discomfort, or difficult emotions all serve to illuminate something deeper. As yourself the question: what is this pain or emotion showing me? Do I need to connect to my feminine, allow myself to feel emotions, or connect on a deeper level with my partner? When we drop deep into the body and sit with our discomfort, we often uncover the truth behind it.



Sitting comfortable, begin taking deep breaths in and out through the nose. Feel the weight of your body against the earth. Connect to the rising and falling of your belly with each breath. As you deepen into presence, softening your edges, imagine in your mind’s eye the color orange swirling around your belly. With each inhale, feel the warmth of orange energy clearing and flowing through the Sacral space. Breath here for as long as you’d like. Conclude with a deep breath in, and a powerful exhale out through the mouth.


There are many asanas, movements, and Kriyas that help us connect to the Sacral space. Since this chakra governs the hips, asanas that open the hips like hip circles and low lunge are incredibly helpful. Goddess pose is also a powerful way to root into your divine feminine.

Emotional Catharsis

Life can be messy, confusing, and emotional. We have all experienced moments of emotional overwhelm. For me, the full moon time can be incredibly turbulent. Sometimes we need to release somatically - laugh, scream, cry into a pillow, shake, dance. These are physical ways to initiate the flow of energy + help ride waves of emotion. I like to turn on a song that speaks to me in that moment, close my eyes, and move intuitively. Sometimes this looks like shaking and jumping, and other times my body becomes water, flowing freely with each note.

Sacred Waters

The element of the Sacral space is water, so connecting with the seat of the divine feminine on the physical plane can be through our relationship with the sacred waters in our life. Fill a bath with warm water and drop in orange peels or orange flowers. The bath is a mirror of your body - the tub a physical container holdings the bath water just as your physical body is a container for your own sacred waters.

Stones + Scents

Another beautiful way to connect to the Sacral center is through the vibrational power of stones and crystals. Carnelian, Amber, Moonstone, Coral, and Sunstone are all powerful stones to connect to your divine feminine space. I recommend supporting your local metaphysical or crystal store to purchase stones, or check out sustainably mined crystal shops on Etsy. To use your stone, hold it at the Sacral center and take 10 deep breaths, imaging the healing vibrations of the stone swirling around your belly. You can also keep the crystal near your bedside or on an altar.

You might also consider balancing the Sacral chakra through scents. Sweet Orange, Ylang Ylang, and Patchouli (among others!) serve to open the space. Using sustainably sourced oils, you can diffuse the smells as you meditate or place a few drops into a bath.


Journaling is a powerful intentional practice. Some prompts that evoke creativity and sensuality include ⤵

[1] What are some creative activities I love to do? How can I create more space for these activities?

[2] What makes me feel adored, worthy, and romanced? How can I create more of this in my life?

[3] Write a letter forgiving yourself for a mistake you made in the past.

Want to dive deeper?

If you're interested in learning more about the Sacral space, the chakra system, or using energy work for a more healthful + conscious life, check out my various offerings. In my 1:1 mentorship container we dive deep into your unique chakra system, including imbalances and ways to open + reconnect.

Let’s journey together, friend! ↓





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